

The struggling people of Haijiang

Published:2019-08-13  Author: Haijiang Group

    On the evening of August 11, the 9th super typhoon of the year,"Lekima" came raging to land in Cangzhou.

    Before the landfall of the super typhoon, the demolition work of the south side of Bohai Building had just begun. The arrival of a strong typhoon is bound to bring major safety hazards to the surrounding residents' travel. This demolition task has a tight schedule and is very difficult. The office of Haijiang Group decided that no matter what problems are encountered in this demolition work, Haijiang people must overcome difficulties and rise to the occasion, and must complete the demolition of the south side of the Bohai Building, which just started construction before the landfall of a strong typhoon.

(Pre-demolition mobilization meeting of Bohai Building)

(August 10, Bohai Building south side building demolition operations)

(August 11, Bohai Building south of the west wall demolition operations)

(August 12, Bohai Building south side building demolition completed)

   At 5:00 p.m. on August 11, the demolition operation of the south side of Bohai Building was successfully completed. In this operation, the clearance between the buildings is small, the construction work surface is narrow and difficult to operate. Haijiang Group, after many arguments, decided to use the latest intelligent hydraulic shears with the new process of load shifting directional lowering, successfully solved the problems.

Under the harsh environment, Haijiang people do not relax for even a moment.

Spirit of Haijiang Group
Never give up, never retreat.

Super typhoon "Lichma" arrived as expected.
In the storm, there is such a group of people.
They remained at their posts in the wind and rain, and walked against the wind.
They are the people of Haijiang.

Security guards in the stormy weather

The workers of the site to remove construction waste master

Intelligent equipment operators are dedicated to their duties

Construction site supervision and guidance

Before dismantling
After dismantling

They are fearless of wind and rain.
They never give up and never retreat.
They are the people of Haijiang!

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