

5G global remote control

Cooperating with Huawei, the Group has achieved remote and accurate control of the operating machinery, making use of the characteristics of  high-bandwidth and low-latency of 5G technology, clairvoyance and other core capabilities, combined with electronic control units(ECU), electric hydraulic converters, posture sensors,etc. which were self-developed by the Group. The operators can control the unmanned demolition machinery in demolition areas in real time in the remote control room, and simultaneously send back the real work scene video. This technology has a very high difficulty factor and is the first to be used in the same industry in China.

GreenEnvironmental protectionEfficient

Using this kind of technology can effectively protect personal safety for operators in very harsh situations. It not only avoids operators from manipulating the equipment under high-risk and uncontrollable situation, but also breaks the drawbacks of the traditional demolition industry. It improves the working efficiency, saves a lot of labor costs for enterprises, and provides unlimited possibilities for the realization of intelligent unmanned sites in China.

Intelligent demolition

Hai Jiang Group, as a pioneer of demolition construction in the domestic petrochemical industry, has ploughed into the demolition process of petroleum refining and chemical enterprises for many years, summarized and issued a set of intelligent and integrated demolition solutions, and formed a unique intelligent demolition process system, which gets rid of the traditional demolition operation process of the sea of manpower, fire operation, work at height, and other construction problems, and fully reflects the advantages of the integration of intelligent demolition.

The put-down technology by changing the structural gravity center

It is a demolition technology that makes detailed analysis and calculation of height, diameter, weight and other parameters of the equipment, then locates the slot and uses its own gravity and external thrust to put it down directionally; it can be applied in the process of demolition of large devices, tower equipment, torches, chimneys, etc., thus the demolition efficiency is improved.
As one of the first enterprises of demolition engineering in the petrochemical industry, the Haijiang Group has studied the demolition process of petroleum refining equipment for many years, and successfully come up with a intelligent and integrated demolition solution, forming a specific intelligent demolition process system, which gets rid of construction problems such as sea-entry tactics, fire operations and high-altitude operations in the process of traditional demolition operations, fully reflecting the advantages of intelligent demolition integration.

5G intelligent command center

It is the first intelligent command center based on 5G + big data cloud platform in environmental industry in China. Using informationalized method, the 3D design platform provides accurate design and construction simulation for engineering projects. In view of the construction management process, we can set up an information ecosystem of interconnection and collaboration, intelligent production and scientific management of construction projects, and transmits this data to the cloud platform and analysis with the information collected from the Internet of Things in the virtual reality environment. So that we will provide process trend prediction and expert preplanning to realize visual and intelligent management of engineering construction. The intelligent command center is equipped with 5G remote operating system, AR intelligent command platform, intelligent machinery and equipment, intelligent inspection robot, intelligent safety helmet and various kinds of video terminals, etc.

Emergency rescue

Haijiang Group uses integrated communication technology to establish a new mode of "smart emergency response" and realize an integrated multi-level linkage emergency command system for cross-district and city-coordinated operations. According to the national geographical map, the four command centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Cangzhou have been built. Each command center is equipped with an independent emergency reserve warehouse, which is used to store large-scale emergency machinery and equipment, materials and intelligent equipment. It provides emergency rescue organization support plan for the emergency management Department and enterprises of all parties, and improves the capacity and level of regional emergency rescue and handling. It has played an exemplary leading role in many important emergency rescues, and has been fully affirmed and praised by the leaders of higher departments.

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