

Haijiang Group contributes to "China Speed"

Published:2019-09-29  Author: Haijiang Group

   On the morning of September 28,2019, under the expectation of all walks of life, it was officially put into use the speed skating hall of the National Ice and Snow Sports Training and Research Base of No. 27 Factory, which was demolished by Haijiang Group and constructed by Beijing Urban Construction North Group.



    Gou Zhongwen, Director of the State General Administration of Sports, Gao Zhidan, Deputy Director, Xu Zongxiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China CNR Group and Executive Director of CNR Corporation, Zhang Jie, Vice Mayor of Fengtai District, Shi Shuozhi, Secretary of CNR No. 27 Factory, Wang Meng, Head of the Coaching Team of China Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating National Team, Liu Haijiang, Chairman of Haijiang Group, Zhang Wei, Vice General Manager, Li Guodong, Vice General Manager and other leaders attended the ceremony.

Gou Zhongwen, Director-General of the State General Administration of Sports, and Liu Haijiang, Chairman of Haijiang Group

    The magnificent transformation of the speed skating pavilion shows the "China speed". On this day last year, the speed skating pavilion was still the press preparation workshop of No. 27 factory. Haijiang Group conducted protective dismantling of the press preparation workshop and handed over the work surface to Beijing Urban Construction North Group on time and in accordance with the quality and quantity.

The former Speed Skating Stadium on September 30,2018

Stamping preparation workshop is ready to be dismantled

On September 30,2018, Gou Zhongwen, director of the State General Administration of Sports, visited the demolition site

     One year later, on September 28,2019, the training ceremony of the speed skating stadium was held. We once again welcomed Gou Zhongwen, Director General of the State General Administration of Sport, who expressed his full affirmation and high recognition of the "Chinese speed" jointly created by the demolition unit, construction unit and other parties, and hoped that the athletes would train hard and improve, so as to show China's "world speed" at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.
    In the future, the speed skating training hall will become the starting point for the ice skaters to compete in the world. We hope that they will compete in various world competitions and achieve a high level of performance, and win glory for the country.          
    Haijiang Group has contributed to the pre-demolition of training venues for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games according to its mission and without forgetting its original intention. In the future, we will meet the difficulties and innovate to create more intelligent projects with national craftsmanship quality.

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