

Haijiang Group won the bid of Cangzhou Grand Canal Cultural Belt Area Project, helping to develop an ecological and livable Cangzhou city!

Published:2021-04-10 05:33:00  Author: Haijiang Group
In this springtime, Haijiang Group won the tender of Cangzhou Grand Canal Cultural Belt Area Project, seized the "golden period" of spring construction and made every effort to push forward the project start. All project team members set out with new goals and hopes, blowing the trumpet of struggle and accumulating momentum for the high-quality development of the Group.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the mother river of Cangzhou City, and is a world-renowned intangible cultural heritage. In recent years, Cangzhou City, in accordance with the goal of making the Cangzhou section of the Grand Canal "an important bearer of China's Grand Canal culture", is focusing on making the area along the Grand Canal a natural, oxygen-rich and comfortable landscape belt. A forest park, family forestry, picking garden, ecological leisure park is "breaking ground".
It is reported that the Grand Canal Bay Park in the south of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt in Cangzhou City was successfully completed at the beginning of this year. Next, the Expo Park and the Industrial Heritage Park will be built in the north of the city. Before that, the Haijiang Group will be responsible for completing the demolition of the chemical installations and houses in the Park and the causeway top road area. Currently, the project is in progress.
The project needed that the demolition work be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible while guaranteeing that there would be no adverse effects on the biological environment. Members of the Haijiang Group project team worked hard and carried out numerous studies, thoroughly studying the project's scope, content, surrounding traffic environment, and current state of the buildings in order to effectively execute this difficult assignment. Additionally, they considered the wealth of knowledge gained from other projects of a similar nature. After much discussion, they eventually developed scientific and exhaustive plans for the resource exploitation and disposal of construction waste as well as the final disposition of waste. In addition, Haijiang Group will continue to raise the bar for "green demolition" by making sure that the environment is protected to the fullest extent possible during the demolition process.
During the construction process, the Haijiang project team strictly implements the concept of "ecological priority and green development", insists on high standards and requirements, combines intelligent demolition technology and modern means to carry out operations. The site is equipped with a spray truck to effectively prevent dust pollution. After demolishing the building objects, environmental protection measures were taken in time to minimize the generation of dust, noise and construction waste. This process realized green, environmental protection and waste-free demolition, and helped Cangzhou Grand Canal Cultural Belt to be built better and faster with practical actions.
Based on the development layout of "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei as the center, radiating Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta", Haijiang Group will strive for excellence, live up to the expectations, strictly grasp the quality of the project, be the pioneer of "green demolition" practice, never give up, go forward, and contribute to the green development of the beautiful city!
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