

New Year's Message of Haijiang Group in 2022 | Let’s strive to be the first in the new journey!

Published:2022-01-01 16:16:10  Author: Haijiang Group



       With tremendous pride, the group is moving through 2021 and ushering in a brand-new journey in 2022. Here, we would like to sincerely thank all of the leaders from all spheres of influence who have worked to promote the growth of the Group, and we would also want to send our warmest holiday greetings to all of the staff members and their families who hold a variety of jobs.

       In the extraordinary year of 2021, we did not stop moving forward in the grip of the new epidemic, but instead unitedly and silently held on to our respective ordinary posts, still maintaining the spirit of striving and the vigorous state of Haijiang people; facing difficulties and fears, we did not retreat and did not give up, firmly believing that "the accumulation of force is invincible. "

       This year, under the organization of the Group's Party Branch, more than 100 employees gathered in Cangzhou Lion City Square to carry out a large celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Party, to feel the red power and express their patriotic feelings. We will never forget the original intention and concentrate on writing a new chapter of high-quality development of the Group.

       This year, we assisted Cangzhou Recitation Association and introduced a large red classic drama "Shangganling", so that the staff could receive profound spiritual baptism and party education, practice their original mission, strengthen their responsibility and strive to become builders and successors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics!

       This year, the Group continued to demonstrate its corporate social responsibility with practical actions, feed society with a grateful heart, actively carried out charity activities, enthusiastically assisted in flood relief in some areas, and provided a solid barrier for the work of fighting against the covid-19.

       This year, five brave volunteers finished their job in Beijing to combat the disease. Together with the locals, they constructed a formidable barrier against the pandemic. They are the ones who charge headlong into danger and who have fire in their souls and light in their eyes. With their upbeat, responsible spirits, they construct the "Spirit of Haijiang."

       This year, Haijiang Group seized the development opportunity. Relying on technical and experience advantages, we fully promoted the Shenzhen project, successfully occupying the market in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay region. The Group will continue to insist on drawing a blueprint to the end, building up its strength, and taking practical actions to help the process of the "Carbon Summit" in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay region!

       This year, the circular economy industrial park was officially opened, indicating that Haijiang Group will turn a new page! With the goal of "integration of urban resources recycling", the Group will thoroughly implement the "double carbon" strategy and make every effort to build a world-class safety and environmental protection technology innovation platform. The Group is full of confidence to accelerate the cause of environmental protection science and technology in our country, to start a new journey, and to show a new role.

       This year, we participated in the "Sharpening the Sword-2021" comprehensive emergency response exercise in Tianjin city for particularly major hazardous chemical accidents. With 5G high-speed transmission and remote unmanned operation, the Group's unmanned machinery was the only engineering vehicle in the entire simulated accident area, breaking the disadvantage of inaccessibility of personnel in dangerous areas and completing the exercise.

      This year, we have signed emergency rescue cooperation framework agreements with Tianjin Emergency Management Bureau and Hebei Emergency Management Department, and established the Haijiang rescue team! In the future, the Haijiang rescue team will give full play to the role of the benchmark of emergency rescue, take the initiative, active role, and become the party and the country's most trusted reliance on power, with practical action and the ability to make due contribution to the maintenance of people's lives and property safety!

      2022, a new starting point, a new hope. We will not chase after empty dreams, not be over-ambitious, take advantage of the momentum to seize new opportunities, and steadily move forward to open up new horizons. In the new year, we will unite and march towards a higher and more ambitious goal, and meet the 20th Party Congress with excellent results! Let's go to the future together!

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