

Haijiang Group started the year 2022 with staff training.

Published:2022-02-12 16:55:54  Author: Haijiang Group

      At the beginning of the New Year, everything is new. The atmosphere of Spring Festival has not yet faded, but the new journey has already started. In order to promote the quality and efficiency of the group and create the spirit of "sprinting at the beginning of the year" in 2022, Haijiang Group has organized a 5-day staff training for the beginning of the year from February 8, 2022. The training was held in two stages: external training and internal training. Authoritative strategic management experts Su Wenzhong and Liu Shang, the president of Nine Type Research Institute, were invited to teach and inspire all the staff. Haijiang Group Chairman Liu Haijiang, General Manager Chu Long, Party Branch Secretary Gao Qiying, Deputy General Manager Ye Jun, Li Guodong and other leaders and all staff participated in this training.


Chairman's opening speech


       At the flag-raising ceremony, Chairman Liu Haijiang made the opening speech, officially unveiling the curtain of the training for the opening year of 2022 of Haijiang Group. Liu Haijiang emphasized that talent is the cornerstone of enterprise development and a key part of the quality development of Haijiang Group. Now the group is standing at the important point of the beginning of the second "five-year plan", our need for talents is more urgent. To improve the overall quality of the staff and the management level of the management team is the most important task at present. The leading cadres should give full play to the role of the leader, strengthen their responsibility, enhance their service ability, and truly become "experts" who know business, " skilled" who promote development and " talented" who work and start business".


        Then, Liu Haijiang put forward the specific requirements for all employees in 2022. He asked everyone to carry out all the work quickly; he asked everyone to make full efforts to grasp the annual key work, focus on expanding the market and concentrate on the project. He called on the whole group to maintain a positive and hard-working spirit, to successfully complete all the goals and tasks in the new year as always, and to take a firm step towards achieving the group's goal of listing in 2025!

The 1st course
In-depth interpretation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and corporate development strategies


       Haijiang Group invited Su Wenzhong, an authoritative strategic management expert, to give a course on corporate strategy. Mr. Su Wenzhong is an expert of the National Strategy Research Group of the National Innovation and Promotion Commission and a member of the expert group of national think tanks. He has a long-term commitment to national strategy, enterprise development strategy, corporate governance and other aspects of research, and has rich practical experience and successful cases in corporate governance, state-owned enterprise reform, corporate strategy and other aspects.


Interpretation of the 14th Five-Year Plan

       Mr. Su Wenzhong gave a deep analysis of the opportunities and challenges faced by Haijiang Group in the light of the current situation of the industry and the actual situation of the company, and provided guiding suggestions for the development of the industrial layout and development direction of Haijiang Group.


Enterprise development strategy

       Su Wenzhong combined with the current domestic macro situation and closely followed the development vision of Haijiang Group, and gave a new interpretation on the basis of making strategy, genetic determinism, and the secret of making strategy. Through the study, everyone had a systematic cognition of the enterprise development strategy.


The 2nd course
Building teams with high performance and effectiveness

       With 18 years of rich experience in thousands of trainings, Liu Shang, the director of the Nine Type Institute and the main lecturer of Peking University subject, is known as the most trustworthy consulting training expert. He is the earliest promoter of integrating personality analysis into business practice in China, and has been focusing on the research of personality and leadership wisdom, personality and management, and personality and family education for a long time.


        Mr. Liu Shang brought "Building teams with high performance and effectiveness" course to Haijiang staff. He gave an in-depth lecture from the following four aspects: excellent team characteristics, execution ability improvement, team management system, and thinking to improve emotional intelligence. With the help of case study, game activities and group discussions, Mr. Liu stimulated everyone's participation and creativity, so that everyone understood the importance of building a high performance team in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and had a further understanding of how to improve the execution ability, and realized the update of knowledge and behavior change unconsciously.





       The staff listened with questions and remembered with thoughts. In the interactive session, they asked Mr. Liu about the problems they encountered in their current work, and the teacher answered patiently and thoroughly, and the atmosphere of the training seminar was warm.。

The 3rd course
Business Management System Training

       The standardized management of the enterprise is an effective means to improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and provides a strong guarantee for the enterprise to move forward steadily in the constantly changing environment. The training of the standardized management system of Haijiang Group prompted everyone to have a deep understanding of the significance of standardized management, a macro concept and specific understanding of how to promote the construction of enterprise standardization, and also strengthened the confidence and determination of everyone to implement the standardization of the Group.



       The success of the opening year training promoted the in-depth development of "talent training project" of Haijiang Group. The Group attaches great importance to staff training and creates a learning-oriented enterprise through a perfect training system. The training provided strong spiritual support for all staff, accumulated rich professional knowledge and pointed out a clear direction to strive for. All Haijiang people will make every effort to sprint and put into the new year's work with the most enthusiasm and positive state. Haijiang Group will also take this training as a starting point to help the Group achieve new leaps and bounds with practical actions!

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