

Helping to fight the epidemic and overcome the difficulties together! Haijiang Group donated materials to support Cangzhou Municipal Government

Published:2022-03-14 18:01:55  Author: Haijiang Group

       Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes. The Party Branch of Haijiang Group actively responded to the call of the government and fully supported Cangzhou City to win the battle to prevent and control the epidemic. On March 12, Haijiang Group donated five trucks of anti-epidemic materials to Cangzhou Municipal Government to contribute to the fight against the epidemic, once again demonstrating its strong social responsibility as a high-tech enterprise.


      The city's public officers stayed at their posts and actively carried out epidemic prevention and control work, holding the front line for the safety and health of the city's people.Liu Haijiang, Chairman of Haijiang Group, cared about the people in his hometown, organized and coordinated in time to send five carts of anti-epidemic materials to Cangzhou Municipal Government, and paid the highest tribute to the staff who were fighting on the front line of anti-epidemic with practical actions.







     Epidemic prevention and control is not only a "big battle", but also a "big test". Party branches and members of the Group should rapidly take action to do the work of epidemic prevention and control with stronger commitment and more energy, and practice the original intention and mission of the Communist Party members with practical actions.

      Since the spread of the epidemic of COVID-19 in Cangzhou City, Haijiang Group has attached great importance to it and formed a leading group for the prevention and control at the first time. We advocate that employees at home actively cooperate with the community to carry out epidemic prevention and control work and do a good job of personal protection. At the same time, we resolutely implement the decision and deployment of the Cangzhou Municipal Government, comprehensively develop emergency programs, and urge all units and departments to effectively implement regular epidemic prevention and control and environmental protection measures to build a firm barrier against epidemics.


       In the critical period of fighting the epidemic, Haijiang Group is obliged to undertake social responsibility and carry forward the spirit of continuous battle and the work style of overcoming difficulties. In the front line of epidemic prevention and control, we will practice our promise, take responsibility and set an example, and complete the tasks of epidemic prevention and control with high standard and quality. Haijiang Group will continue to pay attention to the progress of the epidemic, and together with the party committees and governments at all levels and all walks of life, we will win the battle against the coronavirus!

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