

Haijiang Group held the 15th epidemic prevention and control work meeting

Published:2022-03-21 10:18:36  Author: Haijiang Group

In order to fully cooperate with the government's epidemic prevention and control requirements, on March 20, 2022, Haijiang Group held the 15th meeting on the deployment of epidemic prevention and control.

At the meeting, Chairman Liu Haijiang transferred the latest requirements of Cangzhou City and the Group on the prevention and control of the epidemic. Party branch secretary Gao Qiying, deputy general manager Ye Jun and deputy general manager Li Guodong reported the specific deployment of epidemic prevention and control in each department respectively. Finally, General Manager Chu Long made the deployment arrangements for the next phase of epidemic prevention and control work.


At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Cangzhou City is serious and complicated. All employees of Haijiang Group must carry forward the spirit of Haijiang of never giving up and going forward, check the work of their respective fields in all aspects, implement the prevention and control measures without slackening, and resolutely guard the "Haijiang defense line" of epidemic prevention and control.


The following requirements were made for the next phase of prevention and control work at the regular meeting of the epidemic prevention and control work.


First, we must strengthen awareness and main responsibility.

All departments and parties should have a deep understanding of the complexity, enormity and recurrence of the current epidemic prevention and control, further mobilize, unify the mind, be confident, persevere and grasp the details of the epidemic prevention work. All departments and teams should carefully refine and quantify their functional responsibilities to ensure that every link is responsible and in place.


Second, we should ensure the protection of employees during the epidemic prevention period.

All project departments, branches and Cangdong Park must coordinate and provide good information release and publicity guidance, and timely inform the epidemic situation and the progress of prevention and control work. Someone should be appointed to take charge of the statistics of the personnel in the department, such as their body temperature on that day, whether there is any change in their residence address, and whether there is a shortage of epidemic prevention and living materials, etc. The epidemic prevention and control team of the Group will complete the distribution of materials and provide comprehensive protection for all personnel during the epidemic prevention and control period.


Third, we must strictly implement daily epidemic prevention measures.

The epidemic prevention and control work of each project department should be scientifically laid out and comprehensively deployed. For the key places area should adhere to the normalized prevention and control, make realistic and detailed prevention and control measures and emergency plans. We must continue the disinfection work three times a day and make sure that the epidemic prevention and control work is done.


Fourth, we must maintain operational stability and ensure safe production.

We should coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and the development of the company, take more effective measures, strive to attain the maximum effect of prevention and control at the minimum cost, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on the progress of the project. The project departments should actively respond to the call of the local government to implement epidemic prevention and control and safety production. We should strengthen duty and optimize staffing to ensure the orderly and safe progress of the project.


Five, we must prepare for emergency support.

It is necessary to increase the inventory of emergency supplies and actively strengthen communication with Cangzhou municipal government and medical institutions to seek support and help to ensure timely and effective disposal of epidemic emergencies.


The meeting finished by requesting that all departments and parties should unify their thoughts and actions to the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee, put the epidemic prevention work in the first place, and do our best to fight and win the battle!

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