

Salute the workers, fight for the future!

Published:2022-05-01 15:50:30  Author: Haijiang Group

Salute Workers

Happy Labor Day!

People are needed to take the responsibility of the times, and workers are indispensable.


Every greatness is composed of the ordinary, and every miracle is created by hard work.


During the "May Day" holiday, the front-line workers of Haijiang worked hard at their posts, inheriting the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, and writing labor hymns with their hard sweat.

We pay our highest respects to them for their hard work and contribution.


01 Staying on the position and fighting on the front line

Project construction is busy during the holiday season. In the critical period of promoting epidemic prevention and control and stable economic operation, all project departments of Haijiang Group are busy in the heat of the day. Anqing Petrochemical Project, Beijing Construction Project, Xiong'an New Area Project, Julong Chemical Project, Cangzhou Dahua Project ...... During the critical period of construction, each project department is strictly implementing the normal epidemic prevention and control measures, and at the same time, rushing for time and progress. Many front-line workers added color to the festival with their sweat and promoted the efficient operation of the project with the passion of "labor creates happiness, practical work achieves greatness", and pressed the "acceleration key" for the project construction.



At present, the covid-19 epidemic is still very serious in many places in China, and Haijiang Group is still in a high state of alert. Each project department has not slackened in epidemic prevention and control, and has joined hands with partners and local governments to implement epidemic prevention measures and strengthen effective control. The front-line staff worked hard to overcome the impact of the epidemic, adhered to safety guidelines, implemented safety management responsibilities, strongly promoted the construction of the project, kept an eye on the time nodes, coordinated all aspects of construction, and ensured that all tasks were completed on schedule.


02 Respecting the workers and striving for a new chapter

"All achievements and all happiness in the human world originate from labor and creation." President Xi Jinping's call to struggle is still fresh in our minds. Everyone in Haijiang Group who worked hard for the prevention and control of the epidemic and contributed to the resumption of production is a shining "laborer". They are the fearless ones in the ravaging epidemic; they are the strugglers in the complicated and heavy tasks; they are the ones who charge in the face of the urgent construction period ...... Their down-to-earth efforts and perseverance have injected strong power into the development of the Group.  They practiced the mission and responsibility of Haijiang people with struggle and practical work; weaving the wings of Haijiang Group to take off with practical action!



"The new era is the era of strivers."

Life is great because of the labor, and full of power because of the struggle.

Let's learn from the models and examples of labor together, create a happier and better life with our hard-working hands, and gather the majestic power to advance into the new era in the great process of realizing the Chinese dream.

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