

Group News | Guo Pengjun, Party Secretary and President of China Construction Bank Cangzhou Branch, visited Haijiang Group for research and exchange

Published:2022-07-16 09:00:00  Author: Haijiang Group

On July 15, Guo Pengjun, Secretary of Party Committee and President of Cangzhou Branch of China Construction Bank, and his team visited Haijiang Group. Liu Haijiang, Chairman of Haijiang Group, and Zhang Hongmei, CFO of Haijiang Group, received them warmly and the two sides had a discussion on deepening cooperation.

At the meeting, Liu Haijiang expressed his warm welcome to the visit of Guo Pengjun and his team, and expressed his appreciation for the strong support given to Haijiang Group by CCB Cangzhou Branch. Then, Liu Haijiang introduced in detail the enterprise situation, business layout and development plan of Haijiang Group. He said that, relying on its technical advantages and creative strength in scientific research, and in line with the development of the market, Haijiang Group has been exploring and developing rapidly in the field of safety and environmental protection technology. At present, the company is making every effort to fight for the second "five-year plan" and strive to complete the listing in 2025. We hope that CCB Cangzhou Branch will continue to give support and expand the scale of cooperation.


Guo Pengjun said that Haijiang Group has great potential for development and has broad prospects for cooperation. CCB Cangzhou Branch will deeply understand the needs of enterprises, continue to carry out multi-frequency and multi-level exchanges, deepen cooperation in basic loans, note financing, trade financing, supply chain financing and listing counseling, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation for both sides.


The exchange has deepened the comprehensive understanding between the two sides. We hope that both sides will establish an all-round cooperative relationship and achieve mutual benefits through good communication and in-depth business docking. Haijiang Group will also continue to implement the new development concept, strive to build a new development pattern, and actively promote the enterprise to achieve high-quality development.


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