

On the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, the general manager of the Group went to Shanghai Minhang power plant project to investigate and care for the project staff

Published:2022-09-10  Author: Haijiang Group

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to let the workers in the project site feel the warmth of the big family of Haijiang Group, General Manager Chu Long and Party Branch Secretary Gao Qiying went to the project department of Shanghai Minhang Power Plant to support the staff fighting in the front line, to send them holiday benefits and blessings, and also to investigate the progress of the project.


In the construction site, Chu Long communicated with the front-line staff, thanking them for their contribution to the project construction. He also learned about the progress of the project, safety production, project quality and other related situations, and encouraged everyone to work together and overcome difficulties. Chu Long asked the project leader to always care about the life of the staff and arrange their working time reasonably. Chu Long asked the project leader to always care about the life of the staff, and arrange their working time reasonably. This makes the front-line employees feel the strong atmosphere of the festival, and greatly improves their motivation and sense of responsibility.


The Shanghai Minhang Power Plant project is another benchmark project in the intelligent demolition business of Haijiang Group. The project follows the concept of "ecological priority and green development" and adopts intelligent demolition technology to ensure safe, environmentally friendly and waste-free demolition by modern means. 5G global remote control technology can effectively avoid the risk of on-site operation by personnel.  The application of intelligent equipment such as intelligent hydraulic shears, intelligent fire-fighting robots and intelligent sprinklers, minimizes dust and noise at the construction site. The project department insists on standardized operation and normalizes green and safe construction, which is pollution-free, recyclable and highly efficient.



By intelligently dismantling the old plant, Haijiang Group will help the former Minhang Power Plant to shut down and rebuild, eliminate backward production capacity, and boost the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise.After the completion of the project, it will provide strong support to optimize the energy structure of Shanghai area and strengthen the power supply of the load center. Haijiang Group contributes to the economic and social development of Shanghai and the ecological and green integrated high-quality development of Yangtze River Economic Belt with practical actions. 微信圖片_20220930162247.jpg

| Aerial view of Minhang Power Plant project site

In the future, Haijiang Group will give full play to its technological innovation and resource advantages to continuously meet the ever-changing business development needs. We will face the challenges with our technology, promote the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise with "green development concept + intelligent means", and help the construction of a green low-carbon city!

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