

Stand together through thick and thick | Beijing Haijiang Holding Group donated materials to flood control and flood fighting areas in Huarong County, Hunan Province

Published:2024-07-08  Author: Haijiang Group
On the afternoon of July 5, 2024, a dangerous breach occurred in the embankment of Tuanzhou Dike Dongting Lake in Huarong County, Yueyang, Hunan Province. Under the huge push of the lake, the gap was torn wider and wider, and the breach exceeded 200 meters in less than 24 hours, inundate an area of more than 47 square kilometers.
After the dangerous situation occurred, Hunan Province and Yueyang city quickly organized the handling and blocking, and made every effort to transfer people in the circled area. More than 5,700 people in 6 villages and 1 community nearby were safely transferred, and there were no casualties.
The disaster affected people's hearts. After the occurrence of the danger, the relevant departments and the masses immediately organized the rescue and carried out the breach sealing and the embankment strengthening. The top leadership of the central Committee has also given instructions to make all-out efforts to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Haijiang Group came to Huarong County's aid

Haijiang Group in Huarong County, the first time after learning of the dangerous situation began to gather, purchase and package disaster relief supplies, loaded 1200 boxes of drinking water, 940 boxes of eight treasures porridge and other first relief supplies, delivered to Huarong County flood control and drought relief headquarters. Considering that the local temperature in Huarong has risen to 35 degrees Celsius, the people in the disaster area have greater needs for heat prevention and health, the donation materials specifically included 85 boxes of toilet water and 65 boxes of disinfectant water, to alleviate the basic needs of local people, and provide strong support for local disaster relief work.

At present, Huarong County has set up four resettlement points in the urban area: Huarong County Vocational secondary School, Zhuangyuan Lake experimental School, experimental primary school and Zhanghua School to properly relocate the transferred masses. It is hoped that the people in the disaster areas will overcome the crisis as soon as possible and return to normal life.Huarong County disaster second line of defense

After the dangerous situation, the 14km long Qiantuan dike changed from the second line of defense to the first line of defense, and also became the "lifeline" to protect tens of thousands of people in Qianlianghu, protecting more than 100,000 mu of good farmland and people's homes in neighboring Qiannan Yuan.
Dongting Lake second-line dike is facing huge pressure, the danger has been allowed to hesitate, Hunan Province military region and Yueyang military division, as well as the armed police Hunan Corps, the armed police second mobile corps in accordance with superior orders, quickly into the flood rescue, a day and night battle started.
The Ministry of Water Resources proposed six measures to deal with the dangerous situation in Tuanzhou Embankment:
-- In accordance with the Flood Prevention Law, immediately declare the relevant areas to enter an emergency flood prevention period, and deploy all kinds of materials and forces to seal breaches and defend embankments.
-- Seize the favorable opportunity, optimize the dike breach plugging plan, and continue uninterrupted high-intensity operations to ensure that the breach plugging is completed before 12 o 'clock on July 9.
-- according to the situation of dongting lake water landing and liuheyuan permitting the decline, and so on and so forth, dam slope in advance burst blocking liuheyuan inside the drainage scheme, after the completion of timely water storage in the row liuheyuan pump, reduce liuheyuan dike defensive pressure.
-- Firmly guard the dike between the Qiantuan and the security zone embankment, according to the characteristics of different stages of backwater and backwater, preset rescue forces, materials, equipment, and specific technical disposal measures to achieve early prediction, early discovery, early disposal, early elimination of the danger, and ensure the safety of the dike between the Qiantuan.
-- Build a third line of defense as soon as possible and resolutely prevent secondary disasters.
-- Transfer and properly settle the people in the third line of defense in advance to ensure the safety of personnel.

Haijiang Group will continue to pay attention to the follow-up work of flood control

Haijiang Group will continue to pay attention to the disaster of Dongting Lake in Huarong County, and according to the needs of the government, mobilize internal resources to respond at any time, fully support the relief work in the disaster area, and help the affected people tide over the difficulties.

The summer flood season is a high incidence of accidents, to always increase vigilance, understand the weather warnings and flood forecasts issued by the local meteorological department, and be ready to take action at any time. Stock up on necessary emergency supplies, such as flashlights, extra batteries, first aid kits, food, drinking water, etc. At the same time, avoid activities in areas vulnerable to flooding and landslides such as rivers, streams and mountains. Understand basic self-rescue and mutual rescue skills, such as how to use a life jacket, how to signal for help, etc. Pay close attention to information and instructions issued by the government and relief agencies, and follow advice and orders. Through these measures, you can minimize the safety risks that may be brought about by the summer flood season and protect the safety of yourself and your family.

Haijiang Group will continue to deeply practice the social responsibility of the enterprise, give full play to the professional ability of emergency rescue and the advantages of intelligent equipment, ready to provide strong support for the summer flood prevention and security work, and contribute to the construction of a major safety and emergency framework to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

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