

Happy news | Xu Yanxia awarded "Hebei Model Worker 2024"

Published:2024-04-30  Author: Haijiang Group

          On the eve of May Day, Hebei Province model workers, advanced workers and advanced collective commendation conference was held in Shijiazhuang. The conference aims to recognize the individuals and collectivities who have made outstanding contributions in their respective positions, promote the spirit of labor, establish industry benchmarks, and encourage the people of the province to work hard to promote the comprehensive development of the social economy.

           At the commendation conference, Xu Yanxia, finance officer of Haijiang Technology Group under Beijing Haijiang Holding Group, was awarded the honorary title of "Hebei Provincial Model Worker". Comrade Xu Yanxia won this award for her outstanding performance in the field of financial management, active contribution in the practice of social responsibility and exemplary role in team leadership.

          Comrade Xu Yanxia has been sticking to the group's financial position for a long time, with a high sense of responsibility and professionalism, to ensure the company's financial management is efficient and accurate, and has maintained a record of zero mistakes in financial business for many years. During the implementation of the company's core project, she once assumed the post responsibility for three months alone. She worked day and night, even lived in the company, and always paid close attention to the progress of the project, paid close attention to the financial situation, ensured the smooth and safe flow of funds, and provided a solid financial guarantee for the smooth progress of the project.

          In terms of social responsibility, Comrade Xu Yanxia also demonstrated outstanding leadership and dedication. In 2023, when Xianxian County, Cangzhou, suffered from rare extreme precipitation, she acted quickly and personally led a team carrying much-needed medicines, emergency supplies and other relief supplies to the disaster front. In December of the same year, after the earthquake occurred in Jishishan area of Gansu Province, immediately participated in the group's food and cold supplies procurement mobilization and donation action, packed and loaded overnight to send warmth and hope to the people in the disaster area. Comrade Xu Yanxia has always been enthusiastic about the cause of caring for left-behind children, and has been generous for many years, donating school bags, stationery and cold clothes and other love materials. Comrade Xu Yanxia's good deeds have injected strong positive energy into the public welfare cause and demonstrated the great love of the world.
          Her academic and professional achievements are equally notable, and she was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Employee of Haijiang Technology Group Co., LTD.; Awarded the Group's "Best Contribution Award" in 2022; In 2023, she stuck to her post and was awarded the honorary title of "May 1 Labor Model" by the company; In 2023, he was awarded the title of "Cangzhou Model Worker" by Cangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Government.

          Haijiang Group warmly congratulates Comrade Xu Yanxia on winning the honorary title of "Hebei Provincial Model Worker". The Group will further promote the spirit of model workers, set an example and encourage all employees to contribute more to the sustainable and healthy development of the group.

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