

Party building leads the unity of greening the home when the pioneer | Haijiang Group successfully held the "claim a tree" Arbor Day activity!

Published:2024-03-13  Author: Haijiang Group

     On the day of Planting Day, March 12, 2024, the Group organized employees to hold the theme activity of "Party building leads the gathering force to green the home as the Pioneer" at the circular economy Industrial base of Haijiang Group. A wood into a forest, all things spring, watch the motherland green mountains, plant this green, ploughing non-stop.  

Plant green to protect green love green xing green

      The best time to plant trees was ten years ago, followed by now. In order to actively respond to the call of the National Arbor Day, practice the spiritual core of Haijiang's ten-year deep cultivation of environmental protection, encourage employees to build an ecological green base, and deeply create a green civilization of everyone's "planting green, protecting green, loving green, and reviving green", Haijiang Group launched the 2024 Arbor Day activity in the circular economy Industry Base.
     Spring has arrived, the employees arrived at the planting area immediately division of labor and cooperation, the trees for irrigation, transplantation, soil, protection and planting. With the good hope of "a tree makes a forest, all things spring", Haijiang Youth League is sweating, and the whole park is filled with a lively and warm atmosphere.

      Each employee then claimed a tree of their own. Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees, rooted in thick soil, born to the sun, the growth of people and trees is the same, walking unceasingly in the wind and rain, will be able to "Ren Er east southwest north wind", tempered for towering giant wood, proud of The Times, indestructable.     

Jointly build an ecological green base

     In 1979, in order to raise people's attention to forest resources, advocate green life, and promote the construction of ecological civilization, the sixth meeting of the Fifth National People's Congress Standing Committee decided to set March 12 as Arbor Day every year.
     Since the 14th Five-Year Plan, the state has vigorously advocated the construction of ecological civilization and green development, and clearly proposed to achieve "carbon neutrality" before 2060. Haijiang Group fully responds to the call of the state, adhering to the business philosophy of "recycling technology leading, creating value regeneration", taking the recycling of resources as a starting point, exploring a new model of industry-wide green circular economy development, constantly broadening the new boundaries of the recycling field, and enabling the industry to innovate and develop in the new era.

     The tree planting activity was selected in the circular economy industrial base of Haijiang Group, which has far-reaching significance. Through the Internet and Internet of Things technology, the base has formed a comprehensive management system of intelligent linkage, created a closed-loop solution for urban resource recycling and regeneration, and provided strong support for the development of resource recycling and environmental protection industry. As the main project supporting the integrated solution of Haijiang resource platform, it has opened a new chapter in the green and circular development of Haijiang Group.
     Haijiang Group circular economy Industrial Base demonstrates Haijiang Group's confidence and determination to practice the concept of green development and help ecological and environmental protection construction.

Haijiang ten years deep cultivation of environmental protection

     Haijiang Ten years is the practice of safety, environmental protection, science and technology industry ten years, environmental engineering, renewable resources, solid waste treatment, intelligent equipment in many fields, long-term consciously shoulder the political responsibility of ecological construction, vigorously develop circular economy, take the road of green sustainable development. Haijiang has thoroughly implemented the national "double carbon" strategy in the past ten years, enabled industrial development with science and technology, driven green development with innovation, actively promoted the upgrading of industrial structure, and has grown into a leading enterprise in comprehensive environmental governance.    

     Plant this green, never stop ploughing. Planting trees and building ecological civilization parks; Scientific and technological innovation to drive a higher level of development momentum with intelligence. With the concept of a community of shared future for the people, Haijiang Group has been on the road from a tree to a big country willing to expand the road.
     In the future, Haijiang Group will continue to study and implement the idea of ecological civilization and new development concepts, truly practice the "clear water and green mountains are gold hills and silver mountains", further promote the construction of beautiful China, and continue to fight for the protection of blue sky, clear water and pure land.

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