

Hand in hand with "children" behavior love luminescent | Haijiang Group to donate wish cards to the disaster-hit children in Xianxian County, Cangzhou

Published:2024-01-29  Author: Haijiang Group


       In August 2023, due to the impact of Typhoon No. 5 "Du Suri", extreme precipitation weather occurred in Xianxian County, Cangzhou, causing floods, and 29,000 people in 48 villages in the pan-region were urgently evacuated. At that time, the disaster affected the hearts of all Haijiang people, Haijiang Group first time to support the disaster area, donated medicine, emergency supplies and other relief supplies.

       Now the Spring Festival is approaching, the disaster is gradually getting better, but the progress of the recovery of people's lives in the disaster area is still a thing that Haijiang Group has been concerned about. On January 27, 2024, in order to let the children in the disaster area of Xianxian County spend a warm and happy Spring Festival, Cangzhou Radio and Television Station carried out the "2023 Dream of a small wish" activity, Haijiang Group participated in the first time, donated a wish card with the whole society, and joined hands with the "children" line to help help children in distress.

Focus on "2023 Dream Fulfillment Little Wish Activity"

       The fluorescent light can shine on the wilderness. Haijiang Group donated a wish card full of schoolbags, stationery and cold clothes to the children in the disaster area. The clothes warm the child's heart, build a dream childhood, and the light of fluorescent is a public welfare warm Yang.

       A little wish card, build a dream of growth, the children's smile is our highest recognition. It is hoped that this love donation can disperse the flood haze in the hearts of children in the disaster area 5 months ago, and solve an urgent need for the children's care work of affected families. Heal childhood, gather good growth, wish to carry the love of the wish card to the children to convey social care and care, in the Spring Festival, wish the children can grow up healthy and strong, the people of the disaster area happy family!

Practice social responsibility based on mission responsibility

       In the process of Chinese-style modernization in the new era, if entrepreneurs want to lead their enterprises to overcome the current difficulties and move towards a more brilliant future, they must carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, constantly improve themselves in patriotism, innovation, integrity, social responsibility and international vision, and strive to become a new force for building a new development pattern, building a modern economic system and promoting high-quality development in the new era. Economy, society and environment have become an inseparable whole.
       Haijiang Group understands the first social responsibility of enterprises, is to achieve good development and become a quality enterprise. The Group will take the capacity to implement the national "double carbon" strategy as the basic starting point, commit to "innovation" and "sustainable" development planning, build long-term and normal development goals, deepen the safety and environmental protection technology industry, and use green painting on the most beautiful background for high-quality social and economic development.
      At the same time, Haijiang Group will also focus on "total value management", with the vision of a community of human destiny and the mission of the country, and strive to participate in social welfare undertakings, practice corporate social responsibility and mission responsibility, and make contributions to social stability and progress.

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