

The 2023 Mid-Year Analysis and Summary Meeting of Haijiang Group was successfully concluded.

Published:2023-07-19  Author: Haijiang Group

    In order to deploy the company's development strategic planning, promote the business development of each department, summarize the achievements made in the first half of 2023 and carry out the second half of the work planning and deployment, Hai Jiang Group held the 2023 mid-year economic operation analysis and summary meeting on July 18th,2023. The meeting was hosted by Gao Qiying, secretary of the party branch of Haijiang Group. Group leaders Liu Haijiang, Chu Long and the managers of each department attended the meeting. At the meeting, each department manager made a report on the work of the first half of the year. Chairman Liu Haijiang made important work instructions for the second half of the year.

I. Reports from representatives of group management

    At the meeting, the department managers comprehensively summarized the gains and losses of the past six months and elaborated on the ideas and confidence in the second half of the year.  They focused on the analysis of the current situation, set the key tasks of each department, mobilized everyone to take advantage of the momentum, continue to struggle, and go all out to complete the annual goals and tasks to deepen the reform and promote the company's high-quality development.

Senior Leaders Speeches

General Manager

    Chu Long, general manager of Haijiang Group, pointed out in his speech that we need to focus on the strategic direction of research in the follow-up work, expand the development of new track, seize the opportunity to refine and deepen the layout of key businesses, and solidly carry out industrial research. We should focus on innovation to enhance development vitality and innovate business layout, business model and cooperation patterns to enhance development momentum. All of our staff should make every effort to promote the high-quality development of the enterprise in terms of changing concepts and encouraging innovation.

Secretary of the party branch

    In his speech, Gao Qiying emphasized that we should focus on the annual target, make every effort to win and fight the battle for stable growth; control the budget, effectively promote the work of cost reduction and efficiency; further implement the requirements of strict governance of the party, strengthen the construction of the party style and clean government, and play the role of the battleground of the branch. The Party branch will lead all cadres and employees of Haijiang to always take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era as the guide, work hard, make all the work make all the work deep, implement, detailed and accurate, and make new and more contributions to the construction of a modernized socialist country in an all-round way!

The Directors of Departments made speeches

Engineering Department

Financial Department

Department for Scientific and Technological Development 

Marketing Department

Enterprise Management Department

Department of Safety and Environmental Protection

Operations Management Department

Emergency Response Department

II. Chairman Liu Haijiang's concluding remarks

    Chairman Liu Haijiang reviewed and commented on the achievements and shortcomings of each business sector in the first half of the year, and put forward guiding suggestions in conjunction with the next step of development.

    Liu Haijiang pointed out in his speech that management is the core strength. We should have goals, plans, implementation, supervision and results. In the process, it is necessary to make a fair and equitable distribution. At the same time, we should focus on improving the level of competence, creating an atmosphere of entrepreneurship, establishing a clear employment orientation, and improving the performance appraisal mechanism.

    Liu Haijiang pointed out that ideological propaganda should attach great importance to the construction of corporate culture, and further promote the integration of party building and corporate culture. The business departments should do active publicity, pay more attention to the thought dynamics of the staff, and guide and supervise them correctly, to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff. 

     In terms of personnel work, the Group encourages multi-tasking, and employees should help and support each other. It is necessary to strengthen the education and supervision of cadres to create a strong team. Leaders of all business departments should go deep into the front line to understand the specific situation, care for the staff to understand each other, support each other, help each other, and supervise each other. Leaders at all levels should be on the strict implementation of the employee welfare policy, not only to warm the hearts of the people, but also to maintain fairness and justice.

    Mr. Liu Haijiang made special emphasis on safety. Safety work is the top priority. The whole group should insist on safety first. We should profoundly implement the work of production safety, resolutely eliminate all kinds of safety hazards, improve the level of fine management, and enhance the quality of development. Project work has to be faultless and everything has to give way to safety.

    The speech of the chairman of the group has unified the thinking for the future development of the group, pointed out the second half of the group's work ideas and goals for the development of the group and strengthened the confidence to help the company " work together to create brilliant"!

    The development of the company cannot be separated from the hard work and selfless dedication of everyone. At the meeting, each department shared their experiences, which not only strengthened teamwork and cohesion, but also enhanced the efficiency and quality of the follow-up work.

    Haijiang people will make steady progress towards the annual goal. We firmly believe that all Haijiang people will be full of vigor and determination, and will continue to write a new chapter of Haijiang Group's high-quality development in 2023 with a more energetic state of mind and attitude of struggle.
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