

Activities held in Haijiang Group to celebrate the coming Dragon Boat Festival.

Published:2023-06-21  Author: Haijiang Group
    In order to celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, to promote the traditional Chinese culture and the traditional virtue of respecting and loving the elderly, to let the employees and project departments of the Group feel the strong festive atmosphere and the care of the Group, on June 20, Haijiang Group held the activity of " making Zongzi". The employees of the Group actively participated in the event and made Zongzi with their own hands. At the same time, it also sent a different "Dragon Boat Festival Warmth Gift" to staff on the project site.

    In the kitchen, everyone was prepared with bamboo leaves, sticky rice, peanuts and dates, as well as pots, buckets, threads, scissors and other necessary supplies for making Zongzi.

    We made Zongzi while exchanging the experience with each other. Many young people who have never made zongzi were eager to have a try, rolled up their sleeves and learned from the experienced ones. In a short time, a variety of beautiful Zongzi was created one by one in everyone's hands.

    This activity aims to promote Chinese traditional culture, appreciate the rich cultural atmosphere reflected in the traditional Chinese festivals, and continuously stimulate the patriotism enthusiasm of the Group's staff. The participation of the party branch, group branch and staff of Haijiang Group not only brought the distance between colleagues, but also enhanced the cohesion of the group.

    Haijiang Group also assigned representatives to send zongzi to project staff for the Dragon Boat Festival. The representative of the group also gave guidance and instruction to the project staff for working at heights or at high temperatures and other series of safety production common knowledge and urged the front-line workers to keep safety production firmly in their hearts, reminding them constantly to keep the red line and put safety in the first place while achieving high-quality construction and completing the planned node schedule.

    Everyone in the project department is very grateful for the Group's care and assistance to them. The Group will also continue to pay attention to their life, provide more care and assistance to them, and send the warmth of the Party and the care of the Group's trade union organization to them.

    Haijiang Group is dedicated to creating an enterprise that makes employees feel a sense of pride, happiness and belonging. The company will constantly strive to provide employees with space for growth and a stable development platform, create a respectful, sincere, friendly and harmonious working environment, and simultaneously make employees feel the warmth and care of the company through the development of colorful cultural activities.

    With a grateful heart, everyone in Haijiang will work hard for a better future with firm belief, practical steps, and a serious working attitude!

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