

Congratulations to Haijiang Group on its 8th anniversary

Published:2023-03-21  Author: Haijiang Group

Dear friends,
    Haijiang Group has been established for eight years. Along the way, all the people of Haijiang have witnessed eight years of extraordinary development. in March 2014, we followed the development trend of the environmental protection industry to found the company; in 2017, the company undertook the project of Sinopec Oriental Chemical Plant in Beijing and received recognition; in 2019, the headquarters moved to Beijing and began to lay out the national development strategy; in 2021, Haijiang Group set up a party branch to further strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations. From 2017 to 2021, the Group has continued to participate in a number of urban historical and cultural preservation joint projects along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, strengthening the exploration of new paths for the collaborative development of the Grand Canal transformation and building a low-carbon green urban community of destiny. Haijiang Group is about to embark on a new starting point for the Group's listing and will be committed to injecting new power into the development of a low-carbon economy and opening a new chapter of development.

Leading by Party Building
Haijiang has faith in its heart and power in its actions!

    Eight years of hard work, eight years of courage and perseverance. Haijiang Group has always adhered to the leadership of the Party and put the political construction of the Party in the first place to provide strong political guarantee for the reform and development of the enterprise. The Group serves the general situation of economic and social development, and scientifically formulates corporate development goals and development strategies. Innovative ideas and opportunities have not only inherited the deep historical deposits and characteristic advantages of Haijiang spirit but also made the strength of Haijiang vibrant in the new era. Eight years, we accompanied the melody of reform and innovation to advance, resonating with the city's development, and environmental protection industry to prosper together.

Accumulation and development
Haijiang is ready to improve its ability and set off!

    In the past eight years, no matter the project hardware upgrade or technological innovation capability, Haijiang Group has taken the new ambitious development blueprint as the outline and actively implemented all aspects of adjustment and changes and made a lot of excellent projects. To firmly coordinate the development, we should not only accurately understand changes, scientifically adapt and actively seek changes to grasp the long-term positive trend of the national economy but also single-mindedly seek development, concentrate on business, maintain our determination and strengthen our confidence to open up a new world of development of Haijiang Group. In the past eight years, we have made a historic leap in the development of the Group and made a breakthrough in ourselves.

Hundreds of Enterprises Competing
Haijiang strives to be the first, and moves forward on the waves!

    Looking back at the past struggle, as an important participant in China's environmental protection business and a builder of green sustainable development, Haijiang Group has been rooted in China, based on its responsibility and mission to serve the development of the real economy, the national development strategy and the people's better life, to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and to show its active role in integrating into the new development pattern, practicing the new development concept and serving the "double carbon" goal of high-quality development of the real economy.

The future is coming
Haijiang will make great efforts to make great progress!

    Haijiang Group has a heavy responsibility on its shoulders and a strong ambition in its heart. Any difficulties can not stop the resounding pace of the people of Haijiang. Facing the future, Haijiang Group will insist on grasping the general situation with a broad vision, planning and laying out with forward-looking thinking, breaking through the barriers with a charging posture, and bravely meeting the challenges with a bright sword spirit to write a new chapter with more splendor and brilliance. For eight years, our love coalesced here, our ideal flew here, and our youthful blood rushed here.

    With eight years of undying love and eight years of unchanging originality, Haijiang Group is ready to welcome more possibilities; with eight years of hand in hand and eight years of running and innovation, Haijiang Group will guard its originality and march forward with a new departure attitude. Every day in the future, we will be full of pride, and we will move forward to a more brilliant future with expectations!

The whole leadership team of Haijiang Group
March 21,2023
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