

On March 8, Women's Day, Haijiang Group wishes all women a happy holiday!

Published:2019-03-08  Author: Haijiang Group
    Happy Women's Day! March is the most beautiful day on earth, and the spring flowers are in full bloom.

    In this beautiful season when the snow is melting and life is coming to life, along with the footsteps of spring, we welcome International Women's Day, the holiday of women around the world.

    As a young company in the safety and environmental protection industry, Haijiang Group has many female employees, and on this special day, Haijiang Group sends its best wishes to all of them. At the same time, on this day, all the women can seek help from their male partners to enjoy a day of "queenly" treatment.

    Each woman has multiple identities, daughter, mother, girlfriend, wife, female employee, female classmate, female customer…… Whichever identity and posture, they are the most beautiful colours in this society. And among them, especially the role of female employees is worthy of admiration and the company expresses its gratitude to all the goddesses for their hard work and dedication to the company.

    Liu Haijiang, Chairman of Haijiang Group, said,"Women can hold up half of the sky", and female employees are the wealth of the company. In the Haijiang Group, many key positions are occupied by female employees, who not only do their jobs well, but also dress themselves in an exquisite and decent manner, and take care of their families in an orderly manner. In the future, we hope that each and every one of them will be happy at work and live happily ever after.

    Caring for female employees has always been an important part of the corporate culture of the Haijiang Group. The Group regularly conducts welfare activities such as "Caring for Women's Health, Happy Work and Growth" to allow employees enjoy their work physically and mentally. At the same time, the Group is also actively extending this care to its partners and other groups, working together with more goddesses to create more value and have more wealth and joy!
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