

Everything wakes up at the spring equinox, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming.

Published:2019-03-21  Author: Haijiang Group

The spring equinox, a day when the days and nights are equal in length, arrives as promised with the chirping of the returning swallows.

Farewell to the first warmth of the the Waking of Insects 
People take off their heavy coats
and start to put on lighter clothes

The willows are green and the grass is growing
Spring is in the air!

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year

The spring equinox is a good time to fly kites
Children return early from school
And they fly their kites on the wind

May everyone be like the kite that flies high
Dreams can come true

Spring is the time of year
Let's join together
Let's enjoy the brightness of spring and make our dreams come true!
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