

Continue the glory without forgetting the original intention! The Party Branch of Haijiang Group warmly celebrates the 101st anniversary of the founding of the CPC

Published:2022-07-01Author: Haijiang Group

Party branch of Haijiang Group celebrated the 101st anniversary of the founding of the CPC


From 1921 to 2022, the Communist Party of China led the whole nation to write a magnificent epic of the Chinese nation's self-improvement and tenacious progress. 為To celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, to welcome the 20th National Congress, as well as to remember the revolutionary martyrs and carry out party education, on July 1, Gao Qiying, secretary of the party branch of Haijiang Group, led party members, outstanding members of the Communist Youth League and party activists to carry out thematic education activities at the Ma Benzhai Memorial Hall.


Meet the red marks and remember the glorious years

Haijiang people follow the revolutionary traces, cross the historical and cultural gallery. 

Through a paragraph of historical text, a precious picture, we reviewed the history of the heroic struggle of Ma Benzai and the Hui Min detachment.

Looking back at the great years of our revolutionary forerunners, we felt the national sentiment of "taking the world as our responsibility" and listened to the voice of the times of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission".

On the journey forward in the new era, we will always be grateful and always follow the Party.


Reviewing the oath of party membership and remembering the original mission

Under the lead of party branch secretary Gao Qiying, all party members and party activists took a solemn oath.

They made an oath of loyalty to the Party and expressed their determination to fight for the Party for the rest of their lives.


One hundred years of time have forged the strong party membership of the CPC. The momentous years have led the Chinese people to the road of wealth and strength. All the party members of Haijiang Group take the century as a new starting point for struggle, inherit the red gene, feel the revolutionary spirit and gain the power of struggle. We will ride on the waves with high spirits, speed up carbon neutral and devote ourselves to the green industry. The people of Haijiang will not forget yesterday's suffering and glory, and will be worthy of today's mission!

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