

The 2022 annual meeting and staff commendation conference of Haijiang Group was successfully held!

Published:2022-02-05Author: Haijiang Group

On February 14, the annual meeting and staff commendation meeting of Haijiang Group in 2022 with the theme of "Standing together regardless of hardship and creating the future together" was held. Mr. Liu Haijiang, chairman of Haijiang Group, Mr. Chu Long, general manager, Mr. Gao Qiying, secretary of the party branch, Mr. Ye Jun, deputy general manager, Mr. Li Guodong and other leaders attended the meeting together and shared the good news and the vision with all the staff of the group.

Different from the past, in order to respond to the call to reduce the gathering during the period of epidemic prevention and control, the annual meeting of Haijiang Group was conducted in the form of online live broadcast, so that the out-of-town employees could also feel the warmth and excitement of the reunion together. This is the online party of Haijiang people. This innovative and meaningful annual meeting opened a new chapter of the 2022 year of Haijiang Group!

“We” in 2021

The annual meeting started with the video "We in 2021", reviewing how the Group sought survival and achieved self-transcendence under the new economic situation in the face of the challenges of the whole world's big changes in 2021. In the video, there were project construction, safety drills, smiling faces… Each scene aroused the deep memories of the people of Haijiang, and many people were in tears at the scene.

02 Greetings  
New Year's Message from 
Liu Haijiang

At the beginning of the annual meeting, Chairman Liu Haijiang delivered an impassioned speech. He comprehensively summarized the work of Haijiang Group in 2021, and clarified the focus and direction of the Group's work in 2022 to all employees, giving new impetus to every Haijiang person. He asked everyone in the new year to play a good personal role and integrate into the rapid development of the company; to improve their development goals based on their job responsibilities; to strengthen the implementation and quickly improve their abilities; and to cooperate and build an efficient team together. He believes that in 2022, we will be full of confidence and power to achieve "upward growth, good management, and good development", and work together to build brilliance and create the future!


03 Programs  
Praising beauty, walking with happiness

The annual meeting, which lasted nearly 4 hours, had a joyful tone. Although the form changed, the enthusiasm of everyone remained the same. The annual meeting ceremony was full of joy and everyone was overflowing with happiness. Games and lucky draws filled the scene with laughter.

The talented people of Haijiang come up to the stage and sing. The song "Return" carried the longing for the hometown and the deep love for the roots; "The Initial Dream" sang the firmness of chasing the dream; "Friends" sparked the chorus of the whole audience, remembering the preciousness of friendship; "Singing for the Motherland" was powerful, showing the red heart of the people of Haijiang who love the Party and the country.

04 Award  

In the year 2021, which is full of variables and challenges, a number of excellent employees and teams have emerged from Haijiang Group. They are the main force of the Group and the best interpreters of the spirit of struggle. At the site of the annual meeting, a grand commendation ceremony was held to present awards for outstanding employees and outstanding project departments. The winners were rewarded with heavy cash prizes. Each award contains the sweat of the outstanding people of Haijiang, and also inspires the confidence and determination of all the people of Haijiang to strive for the first and move forward.

Outstanding Employees

05 Ending 
We, together, fight for the future!

At the end of the annual meeting, Chairman Liu Haijiang sang the songs "Love you for 10,000 years" and "Men should be strong". Along with the rousing songs, the party once again reached a climax. Everyone's pride was stirring in their chests and their belief in struggle was flaming high.

Finally, the 2022 annual meeting and staff commendation meeting of Haijiang Group came to a successful end in the melodious melody of the song "Together to the Future". A new year brings new hope. The annual meeting is over, but the excitement is still going on! In the new year, Haijiang Group will continue to promote high-quality development, put the concept of struggle through the whole process of the Group's development and all industries, cultivate opportunities in the crisis, open up new situations in the changes, and strive to become a more efficient, more technological, more sustainable and stronger enterprise. We believe that Haijiang Group will be able to win the advantage, win the initiative, win the future, and well reply the examination of the times!

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