

Remembering the martyrs | The Party branch of Haijiang Group organized party members to carry out theme Party Day activities in the Central Hebei Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

Published:2024-04-03Author: Haijiang Group

      On April 2, on the occasion of the Tomb-sweeping Day, in order to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the red power, the Party branch of Haijiang Group organized party representatives to carry out a solemn theme Party Day activity in the Central Hebei Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. This activity aims to commemorate the martyrs, review the oath to join the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of party members and cadres, enhance the party spirit cultivation, and gather the striving force.

The martyrs' cemetery remembers the martyrs

      On the day of the event, the Party branch of Haijiang Group led party representatives to first visit the Memorial Hall of Revolutionary martyrs in Hebei Province and listen to Director Yu explain the deeds of revolutionary martyrs. From the agrarian revolution period, the eight-year War of Resistance to the three-year War of liberation, the memorial hall system shows the glorious history of the army and people in Hebei Province who sacrificed blood, marched forward and fought bravely in the land of south Beijing for national liberation.

      During the static walk, each party member representative seemed to be in the magnificent revolutionary years, listening to the heavy historical reverberations. This is not only a memorial site, but also a tunnel through time and space, and a long volume of living history is displayed before your eyes. In the quiet and solemn, the party members' representatives deeply felt the bravery and greatness of the revolutionary martyrs, and we never forgot that they wrote a magnificent heroic anthem with their blood and lives.

      During the visit, everyone could not help but slow down the pace, quietly feeling the thick history. The heroic deeds and striving spirit of revolutionary martyrs are the eternal spiritual wealth of every party member. As a glorious Communist Party member, we should inherit and carry forward the patriotic spirit of revolutionary martyrs and strive to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      Later, party members visited the Memorial Wall of the British List of Revolutionary Martyrs in Hejian City, where the heroic soldiers who gave their lives for the country and the people are remembered. Walking into the memorial wall, some of the names engraved on it are familiar, some are unknown, but behind each name, there is a touching heroic story. This is not only a wall carrying heavy historical memories, but also a monument standing in people's hearts.

      Finally, the party representatives jointly paid their respects to the monument of the revolutionary martyrs in Hebei Province and presented flowers. This monument in the memorial hall and the tomb of unknown martyrs on the axis, 11 meters towering, solemn, awakening the deaf. This monument is not only the memory and remembrance of the martyrs, but also the spur and incentive for every party member.

Do not forget the original heart and remember the mission

      Throughout the Party Day activities, Haijiang Group party members and representatives accepted the spiritual baptism of revolutionary martyrs, and inspired the enthusiasm of officers to protect the home and defend the country. In times of peace, we should also be mindful of danger in times of peace, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, strengthen the Communist belief, deeply study the history of the Party, inherit the red power, stimulate patriotic enthusiasm and dedication, and always be loyal to the Party and the people.

      Party members should always bear in mind their responsibilities and missions, actively act as pioneers, and strive to improve their professional ability and comprehensive quality in their work, so as to contribute their strength to collective development. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of Party spirit, always maintain a clear mind and a firm stand, consciously abide by Party discipline, and establish a good image of Party members.

      Party members should actively spread positive energy, always remember the heroic deeds and lofty spirit of revolutionary martyrs, transform them into the driving force and goal of progress, and contribute great strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Party building leads the way

      Haijiang Group has always taken the leadership of party building as the spiritual beacon of its own high-quality development. The party building work provides a clear development direction for the enterprise, helps the group to find a precise positioning in the complex market environment, and the core is firm, which is an inexhaustible driving force to promote the steady development of the enterprise. The party building work can enhance the comprehensive quality of employees and the ability to unite and cooperate, form a huge cohesion and centripetal force, so as to stimulate the power of innovation, help enterprises to stabilize in the market competition and stand out.

      Haijiang Group always adheres to the high-quality development of enterprises to help the national economic and social leap-forward development, listens to the Party's command, actively responds to the national strategic deployment, focuses on the national "dual carbon" strategy, "rural revitalization" strategy, the "Belt and Road" Initiative and other strategic deployment, to help build a modern power, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the nation to consolidate the material foundation, scientific and technological support and talent security.

      With the great responsibility of the country and the trust of the people, Haijiang Group will continue to inherit the core of red power, internalize it in the heart and externalize it in the practice. While promoting the improvement of economic efficiency, it pays attention to the shaping of corporate culture and the fulfillment of social responsibility, and moves forward for the Chinese Dream.

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