

Happy Women's Day| Haijiang Group organized the theme activity of " Making your heart beat on the beautiful spring day".

Published:2023-03-08Author: Haijiang Group
In this warm March, the festival exclusive to women is finally here!
In order to show the spirit of n female employees and enrich their spare time life,
Haijiang Group specially planned the theme activity of " Making your heart beat on the beautiful spring day".
We hope that all women will be able to shine on their special day.

Creative Activity One
DIY hand-painted canvas bag

A bag, a brush, bright colors, rich patterns ......
They create magic with their own hands, paint a beautiful dream with their wonderful brushes, and have their own artwork in minutes.

Planting potted plants for micro-garden

Everyone picked up tools, trimmed branches and leaves, matched pots and created personalized micro-gardens.
Colorful and layered bonsai was born!

Haijiang people always practice the concept of green environmental protection and contribute to the construction of a beautiful and civilized homeland.

In this best spring time, Haijiang Group extends its holiday greetings and good wishes to the women who are striving for excellence, taking up heavy burdens and dedication on all fronts.

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